Trigger point injections are a way to treat muscular neck and back pain due to muscle inflammation and spasm. The muscles of the neck and back are multi-layered and run in multiple different Read more
Telemedicine, and specifically tele-orthopedics, is another powerful tool that can facilitate care of the injured patient. Seeing a physician, particularly a specialist, can be time consuming and Read more
What Are Facet Joints? The facets are small joints in the back of the spine that allow the spine to bend and move. They are like small finger joints. There is one facet joint on each side of the Read more
What is an Endoscopic Discectomy?
This minimally-invasive procedure is performed through a tubular device. It is designed to relieve pain caused by herniated discs pressing on nerve roots. This Read more
Neck cracking and grinding: When you crack your neck and other parts of your body due to ache or stiffness, your joints are releasing gas bubbles to temporarily relieve your joints and muscles. Read more