Lumbar epidural steroid injections are controversial in when they are given, where they are given, why they are given, how often they should be given and what medications work best. Whatever position Read more
Treatment for herniated lumbar discs depends on the time and symptoms, anatomical/surgical considerations and the proper diagnosis. Proper Diagnosis:
Complaints of back pain are very common and often Read more
Trigger point injections are a way to treat muscular neck and back pain due to muscle inflammation and spasm. The muscles of the neck and back are multi-layered and run in multiple different Read more
What Are Facet Joints? The facets are small joints in the back of the spine that allow the spine to bend and move. They are like small finger joints. There is one facet joint on each side of the Read more
What is an Endoscopic Discectomy?
This minimally-invasive procedure is performed through a tubular device. It is designed to relieve pain caused by herniated discs pressing on nerve roots. This Read more
What is the difference between PRP and Stem Cell Therapy?
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy are both non-invasive procedures with excellent potential to heal injuries. While Read more