6 Things You Should Know About Sciatica

What is Sciatica? This condition is an irritation or compression of one or more nerve roots in the lumbar spine. Because these nerves travel to the hips, buttocks, legs and feet, an injury in the lumbar spine can cause symptoms in these areas. Sciatica may result from a variety of problems with the bones and tissues of the lumbar spinal column.

‍1. Sciatic pain usually subsides within 2-3 weeks with conservative treatment. Some conservative treatments include:

yoga poses for sciatic pain

‍2. Sciatica begins in the lower back and goes back in the leg to your foot and is usually concentrated to one side. Symptoms may include pain, weakness, numbness and tingling, and may vary depending on the level of the injury. For example, an injury at the L2 level can create thigh pain and hip weakness. An injury at the L3 level may result in thigh pain and knee and thigh weakness. Damage at the L4 level may cause pain from the lower back to the foot and also foot weakness. Damage at the L5 level can create pain from the outer leg to the top of the foot and also foot weakness. And finally, damage at the S1 level can create pain from the calf to the outer foot and also foot weakness.

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‍3. Over-the-counter medication can help relieve sciatic pain. Tylenol and other anti-inflammatory medication can help temporarily relieve your pain. If you are experiencing severe pain after 2 weeks of sciatic nerve pressure, call Nucci Medical to schedule your consultation. Our doctors will help you locate the exact cause and level of your pain and provide you with a treatment plan to get you relief!

‍4. Sciatica is NOT a genetic condition. Sciatica can result from aging or an injury in your low back. Some pregnant women also experience sciatica due to the uterus expanding. Sciatica is not passed down genetically and treatment options are given on an individual basis.  

5. Surgery is usually NOT needed. If you are experiencing severe sciatic pain and have no seen any relief after trying conservative treatment, you should consult one of Nucci Medical’s doctors to explore your other options. You will need to get an MRI so we can help identify the exact source of your sciatic pain. Sciatic surgery is often highly successful with a 95% success rate.

‍6. Sciatic pain is usually a result of a disc herniation. If the cause of your sciatica is due to a disc herniation, one of our doctors might suggest a microdiscectomy which is a minimally invasive procedure and is done on an outpatient basis. To learn more about microdiscectomy, click here. To learn more about disc herniation in your lower back, click here.
